Thursday, May 29, 2008

Crib and paint

We just bought a crib for $60 from a lady at a garage sale. She sold it along with a mattress and 3 mattress pads. It has storage underneath for stuff, and converts into a toddler bed. She bought it at some high-end children's store for $350 and was made in Italy. It was the right color that I wanted too. Once we get done painting, which we just bought today, we'll put the crib together and take a picture of it. Woohoo!

Monday, May 26, 2008

28 weeks

Rachel is officially in her 3rd trimester. Here is a picture of her from 05/21/08 - 28 weeks. She had a doc's appointment on Thursday and they did blood work for gestational diabetes (since they do it for everyone) and she doesn't have that. Everything is measuring right on schedule.

Memorial Day weekend

We went and visited Mom and Dad Zahn in Wisconsin from Thursday night until Sunday afternoon. We drove up to Door County with them on Saturday and did a little sight-seeing. We didn't really have a plan. Just brought a map along and decided what roads to go on as we went. We stopped at a light house on the Green Bay side, stopped at Sturgeon Bay (where we had some gyros for lunch at a tiny local diner - delicious) and then headed up to Whitefish Dunes State Park and did some hiking in the woods and along the Lake Michigan Coast.