Thursday, February 18, 2010

Baby Zahn #2

I'm pretty sure we've let everyone know now that is important to us, so I think we can discuss Baby #2 on here now.  :)  I went to the doctor on Tuesday to confirm the pregnancy.  I am indeed pregnant, had an ultrasound done because Dr. Griffiths couldn't find the heartbeat with the doppler (not too uncommon at this early in the game), baby measured at 8 weeks along, was 2 cm "big" and had a heartbeat of 150 bpm.  Expected due date is Sep. 29th.

I'm feeling ok.  I thought that the "morning sickness" and nausea was going away a few days ago, but it seems to have come back again since yesterday in full force.  Bleh.  I'm also feeling a lot more tired than I remember feeling with Addie.  Although, I do have a toddler I'm chasing after now, so I'm sure that makes a difference.

Joel's cousin Beth and family are visiting on Sat. for lunch.  Their daughter Ellie is about 3 months younger than Addie, so it will be fun for them to play together for a little bit.  I'll have to get pictures for sure.  Joel's parents are coming Sun. evening for a night.  Will be nice to see them all.  I HOPE JOEL CAN HELP GET THE HOUSE CLEAN. (hint, hint...)  ;)

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Some belated Christmas photos

When Randy and Kat and family came to visit we took a trip down to New Ulm to visit (Great) Grandma Zahn.

When in De Pere, WI, visiting Joel's parents we went to the nursing home where Joel's Grandma Poff is being cared for. Joel's family did some caroling and music playing. All of these nice folks came to listen.

Side profile of Joel's Grandma Poff - she's the farthest on the left.

Trumpet Trio/Quartet

Addie hung out with Dad during the "performance".

Cute Vest

Had to post this for Uncle Phil and Aunt Tina and fam. The vest was a Christmas gift from them. I think she's stylin' in it, so I had to take a picture and post. Thanks guys!