Friday, September 28, 2007

A Job Would Be Nice

On Tuesday my boss called me to check and see how the day was going. The day was just a usual day, probably around 5 or so calls. He then asked me to come to his house to look over some "paper work". I had a bad feeling about this "paper work" because he quickly bid me farewell and hung up quicker than usuall. Well this "paper work" was a couple charts and graphs looking over payroll, profit (or lack there of), expenses and all that good stuff. I then new my fears were correct. He started talking about this and that and the other thing about how we are not making any money as I stood there thinking, "Just say it...just say it already...I know it is coming...". And then the inevitable. "I can not afford to pay you anymore".

Needless to say I have been wondering for a long time how he can afford to pay me when we are not making nearly enough to cover my salary (and that is already small). For example this last month I have at most 15 quotes a week. Out of those quoted I can maybe do a couple hundred dollars of windows. So... it is off to find a new job.