Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Stage One of Shots

Addie had her two month check up and all is going well. Part of the umbilical cord never fell off and was kept "alive" via a single vein. At first the doctor said she would need surgery in the next few years to take it off. Then he figured he would try dabbing silver nitrate on it to make it die and fall off. She also had her shots, which she loved. Guess what, she is sleeping now.

Wt.- 11 lbs 3oz (81st %tile)
Ht.- 23 inches (89th %tile)
Head Cir.- 14.8 (39th %tile)

Fast asleep after shots and a long walk!


Rachel and Joel said...

I'll add to Joel's post... The "umbilical cord" that is left is called a granule. The cells that are in it are kept alive by a blood vessel. It already looks smaller this morning. If it continues to get smaller we'll take her back in in a couple of weeks and have him do it again.