Friday, February 13, 2009

6-months old

Addie is 6 months old as of tomorrow. So, since she has a summer birthday, she can always celebrate her half-birthday on Valentine's Day at school.

She had her 6-month check-up today. Got some of her shots too. First thing Dr. Johanson said when he came in was, "Looks like somebody needs a baby brassiere." :) Addie's a little top-heavy. :) Weight: 17 lbs. 7 oz. (86th %tile). She's also a fairly tall girl - 26 inches (73rd %tile). And still has a really teeny-tiny head - 16 inches (12th %tile).

Joel's working as usual, and I play for church and choir sings this weekend. Nothing too out of the ordinary for us. We're going to take some 6-month pictures one of these days... we'll post them later. Happy Valentine's Day!