Wednesday, June 3, 2009

9 month check-up

Addie had her 9-month check-up yesterday. It's about 3 weeks late, but oh well. No shots - just a prick on her finger for blood tests, which came back fine (no idea what the tests were for). Here are her stats:

Weight- 19.0 lbs, 45th%tile (brought it down from her 6-month check-up - was in the 86th%tile!)

Height- 27 inches, 22nd%tile

Head- 16.7 inches, 10th%tile :)

Dr. J thinks she'll be walking by the 4th of July. We shall see! She did climb up some stairs at the Strehler's house, so I guess she's on the move.

We're headed to the Wisconsin Dells on Monday morning for Joel's family reunion. I hope there's some good weather so Addie can try on her bathing suit. :)