Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Walking and sippy cups

Adeline is walking! Yesterday she took about 5-6 steps from her little play table to Rachel. She's done this a few more times since then. She thinks it's pretty funny right before she decides to walk and laughs. We'll need to take a video of her walking and post it sometime. Addie is also officially drinking out of sippy cups. She never liked the bottle, and went straight from nursing to this. And as of Sunday she is fully on the sippy cups. She's been saying more "words" also. Lately she said "all done", and "uh-oh" after dropping something (she said it on her own).

We've been doing a lot of geo-caching lately - free (except for maybe the cost of gas to get to the place), fun, get some exercise, and we get out of the house. Joel starts school in about a week and a half, so we're trying to take advantage of his open Mon.-Thurs. schedule. Joel got called in to work today to do some overtime - another blessing!

We'll post more later this week. Addie has her first birthday party tomorrow night. Should be a packed house here!