Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Addie's 1-year check-up

Addie went to see Dr. Johanson yesterday for her 1-yr. check-up. Had shots: MMR and the varicella (chicken pox) shot. Guess she won't have to get the chicken pox like we all did when we were younger. Addie also is a petite little girl. A change from her first few months. :) Haha. Here are her stats:

Weight: 18 lbs. 15 oz. - 12th%tile
Height: 28.5 inches - 24th%tile
Head: 17 inches - 5th%tile

My only concern was that she seemed small according to her measurements, but Dr. J said that growth slows down around this time, and there was nothing to worry about.


Sandy said...

I looked at all 4 of my kids' baby books and all of you were 20 lbs at 1 year (Dan was 21 lbs). Aaron and Dan were 30 in. in height, Jeremy was 29.5 in., and you were 29 in. The heads they didn't measure. :) Addie is perfect in her height, weight, and head. There are and were several cute pixies on both sides of the Zahn family!

Joel & Rachel said...

It's funny because we all coincide with the height that we were at 1-yr. Aaron and Dan are the tallest of the siblings in the family, and then Jeremy, then me.