Friday, December 4, 2009


We spent Thanksgiving Day at some friends of ours who live up in St. Paul - Ryan and Erin Hulse. Ryan is a teacher at the new middle school at St. Croix Lutheran High School. Erin stays home with their 2 boys - Malachi and Tristan, and are expecting a girl in January. They had 2 girls from MLC staying with them for the weekend, and they also invited Nate and Mary Hochmuth (Nate is also a teacher - both went to MLC with us) who have 2 kids - Natalie and Isaiah. (By the way, "little" 8-month Isaiah weighs more than Addie, and they're approximately the same height) Needless to say, it was a packed house! Some of the kids were sleeping during supper time.

Here are the kids awaiting the Hochmuths arrival.