Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Ultrasound and 20-week doctor's appointment

Our scanner is not working, so the pictures from the ultrasound I took with our camera. Ultrasound went well - took only about half an hour. Baby Z was kicking like crazy! Kicked the ultrasound wand several times. Must have been the orange juice I had this morning. Heartbeat was going about 157 bpm. The baby also wouldn't move it's head. The tech was trying to get a picture of the top of the baby's head for measuring purposes and it's head was tilted way back. The tech said baby's often find a position they like and don't move. The legs and arms were definitely moving though!

Joel and I think it's another girl, although the tech didn't tell us the gender. We didn't see any boy parts when she was measuring the femur. Although, she could have been making sure we didn't see anything. So, we'll see on d-day! We have names picked out for either gender, we think.

Also had my doctor's appt. this morning and everything was great. Joel was able to come along to both, as we had a friend watch Addie during the ultrasound. We're definitely blessed to have a healthy baby!

Feet. :)

The little kickers.

The always-creepy straight-on picture of the face.

The arms are crossed on the right, with the hands farthest on the right.

This is the baby's hand with an open palm. Knees on the left.

Profile - head on left.

Another profile. Long neck!

So on another note.... We're on our way to the hospital this morning, and we could see that the on-ramp to 169 is closed at Marschall Rd. There was also a helicopter going around and several news vans and cameras there. We asked the ultrasound tech if she knew anything about it, and she said that she knew but couldn't say much about it because some of the "victims" were at the hospital. She said it was something about a domestic dispute. We find out later that a guy shot a cop up in Plymouth and drove all the way down 169 south and he ended up going back onto the on-ramp for 169 north (turning around maybe?). It ended there, and according to the news the guy was shot and killed by the police here in Shakopee. Obviously the guy had a gun or something. Not sure if he did something to his wife??? (Edited to add: He ended up stabbing a relative in Shakopee and was running from the police) Maybe we'll hear more on the news. Anyways, kind of scary that it was that close to our house, less than a few blocks away!

Ok, read about the story at KARE11 news online (click this link). Some of my information is correct. Scary! Also read at Fox9 News that he was a suspect in a burglary on Monday....


Anonymous said...

thanks, nice post.