Friday, June 25, 2010

VBS/Family Fun Night at Living Hope

It was VBS week this week.  I did what I've done in years past - led the music up front.  I also helped out in the Bible teaching for one day.  God really blessed us in that we had 310 kids signed up and 125 volunteers (older kids and adults).  We just pray that the Holy Spirit worked in their hearts this week.  We also had a Family Fun Night last night (Thursday) to culminate the whole week.  We only did Mon.-Thurs. this year, which was nice.  By Thursday the volunteers and the kids are tired anyways, and a bunch of the kids and volunteers usually aren't there on Friday anyways because people make plans to go out of town.  Below are pictures of the Family Fun Night.  There were 3 jumpy/bouncy things for the kids, a petting zoo, pony rides and ice cream.  Addie had a lot of fun!  The kids will sing 2 of their songs this coming Sunday at church - I'll lead them with the actions.  Hopefully I don't forget the actions!

 Sofia and Pastor Eric Schroeder

Pastor Schroeder's other daughter, Sidney

This girl was busy eating her sweet potato puffs.  Addie ate about half of them for her.

Lori, Addie, Sofia and the little piggy.

Addie petting some sort of African Tortoise.

Some young chickens.  She just wanted to point, but no holding.

In the bouncy thing for toddlers.

She didn't want to get out!

Running crazy with Sierra, another little girl her age.


Sandy said...

What a great blessing to have the opportunity/privilege of touching so many young hearts with the Gospel!!! And what fun afterwards! And what beautiful babies---wish we could have been there.