Tuesday, July 29, 2008

37 weeks 6 days doc visit

Happy birthday, Dan! Sorry, but I don't think I'll be having the baby on your birthday. :) Had a doctor's visit today and nothing much new, which is ok with me, even though I am sort of ready to just have this baby. I did test positive for GBS (Group B Strep), so I'll have to have an IV of antibiotics during delivery. So, I'm back in next week. I'm scheduled to play with the praise band this Sunday and also with the VBS kids. I guess I'd be ok with baby coming sometime after that.

Speaking of VBS... we have VBS this whole week. We have 263 kids registered! We originally had 210, but then 30-some "new" families showed up on the first day. We couldn't turn them away, even though it's probably against fire code or something to have that many. Anyways, hope the Holy Spirit is working in their hearts as we speak. :) I've just been helping with music. Another lady and I go up stage and teach the kids actions to songs during the morning and then at noon before they leave. It's been fun.

Joel's been working overtime at Emerson. His supervisors had a meeting last week Friday saying that if nobody was signing up for overtime, it would become mandatory since they have been behind. Joel worked Sunday afternoon (double-time). And he's been planning on staying an hour later every day Mon.-Fri this week(time and a half). But I guess they had another meeting today encouraging people to work overtime because they don't want to make it mandatory. That's how Joel has been keeping busy.

Maybe more next week!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

More of the same

"Pregnancy Pictures"

Instead of going to a professional photographer to get some pregnancy photos taken, Joel used his expertise skill of photography and took some pictures of me and our little one :) this evening at a nearby empty lot that's near our house.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

37 weeks and 1 day pic

Joel took these tonight. The walls look pretty bare, but at least they're painted. We still need to put stuff up yet. And at least the crib is put together. :)

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

36 weeks, 6 days doc visit

Had a doc's visit yesterday afternoon. Blood pressure is up a little again, but not terrible - 126/90. I guess it's pretty common for it to go up in pregnant women at the end, no matter how active you are. So... he's just keeping an eye on it. If it continues to go up though, he said I might have to be induced. Not sure how I feel about that... Anyways, baby's heart rate was fine. In the 130s. Also got checked - I'm 1 cm dilated and 70% effaced! Baby is at stage -1 on a scale of -3 (baby is high) to +5 (baby is born). Woohoo! I am 37 weeks today and considered full-term, so it's safe for baby to come any time now. Have another visit next week, the 29th (I know - it's your birthday, Dan). :) I'll have Joel take a pic tonight of the belly and we'll post it.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Car show!

Rachel and I noticed there was a car show across the street at the Ford dealership. They have had one every year around this time, so we went to walk the dog and check out the cars.

Saturday, July 12, 2008


This was the storm that went through last night. Wind gusts were up to 70mph in some areas. Our neighbor, was also taking pictures from their patio door and thought I was dumb for walking down the street with all of the lightning taking pictures.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

35 weeks 1 day doc's visit

Had another visit this morning because of my high blood pressure last week. I still was a bit higher than usual, but not as high as last week. I was 130/86. And it probably was still high cause I was stressing over being high! Baby is still in the same position and is sitting a little lower than last week. Doc mentioned again how it's not going to be an extremely big baby. Still fine by me. He also asked if people we telling me I looked small. Yup, funny you mention it. He told me to tell them that they're not the doctor and everything is right on track for growth. :) I like him. Anyways, I'm back in there again on the 22nd (I'll be 37 weeks) and then will get checked every week till the baby comes. :)

Sunday, July 6, 2008

34 weeks 3 days

Here are a few pictures from the wedding this weekend's wedding.

Friday, July 4, 2008

34 week 1 day doc visit

Yesterday I had a doctor's appointment. The nurse did all the usual checking when I came in - weight gain, temperature, blood pressure, etc. She was using their fancy rolling machine that has thermometers and blood pressure reading stuff on it. Anyways, she looked at my blood pressure and thought the machine was being goofy. So she did it manually and it was the same. The lower number was 93 (anything over 90 is considered high blood pressure). She thought it was odd it was so high since normally I'm below 80. Dr. Griffiths came in and asked if I've had blurred vision, headaches, swelling. No to all. My weight gain hasn't been an issue, and there's been no protein in my urine (which would mean I have preeclampsia - very serious high blood pressure). He was a bit concerned it was high though, so is having me come back in in a week. I'm suppose to drink more water and relax. :) Sounds good to me. Baby had a healthy heartbeat though, is still head down, and back and butt are under my left ribcage, and feet under my right ribcage. He said it's about 4.5 lbs right now.

Both Joel and I are in a wedding this weekend. This morning I'm heading over to the bride's house to help frost cupcakes. Joel is working right now for 4 hours since he gets double-and-a-half time. Rehearsal is at 1pm, and then we're heading over to the groom's parents place for the dinner and an afternoon/evening on their lake. There are fireworks there tonight also.

Everyone have a terrific 4th of July! Say a prayer of thanks for those troops who are serving over in different countries to protect our freedom.