Friday, July 4, 2008

34 week 1 day doc visit

Yesterday I had a doctor's appointment. The nurse did all the usual checking when I came in - weight gain, temperature, blood pressure, etc. She was using their fancy rolling machine that has thermometers and blood pressure reading stuff on it. Anyways, she looked at my blood pressure and thought the machine was being goofy. So she did it manually and it was the same. The lower number was 93 (anything over 90 is considered high blood pressure). She thought it was odd it was so high since normally I'm below 80. Dr. Griffiths came in and asked if I've had blurred vision, headaches, swelling. No to all. My weight gain hasn't been an issue, and there's been no protein in my urine (which would mean I have preeclampsia - very serious high blood pressure). He was a bit concerned it was high though, so is having me come back in in a week. I'm suppose to drink more water and relax. :) Sounds good to me. Baby had a healthy heartbeat though, is still head down, and back and butt are under my left ribcage, and feet under my right ribcage. He said it's about 4.5 lbs right now.

Both Joel and I are in a wedding this weekend. This morning I'm heading over to the bride's house to help frost cupcakes. Joel is working right now for 4 hours since he gets double-and-a-half time. Rehearsal is at 1pm, and then we're heading over to the groom's parents place for the dinner and an afternoon/evening on their lake. There are fireworks there tonight also.

Everyone have a terrific 4th of July! Say a prayer of thanks for those troops who are serving over in different countries to protect our freedom.