Tuesday, July 29, 2008

37 weeks 6 days doc visit

Happy birthday, Dan! Sorry, but I don't think I'll be having the baby on your birthday. :) Had a doctor's visit today and nothing much new, which is ok with me, even though I am sort of ready to just have this baby. I did test positive for GBS (Group B Strep), so I'll have to have an IV of antibiotics during delivery. So, I'm back in next week. I'm scheduled to play with the praise band this Sunday and also with the VBS kids. I guess I'd be ok with baby coming sometime after that.

Speaking of VBS... we have VBS this whole week. We have 263 kids registered! We originally had 210, but then 30-some "new" families showed up on the first day. We couldn't turn them away, even though it's probably against fire code or something to have that many. Anyways, hope the Holy Spirit is working in their hearts as we speak. :) I've just been helping with music. Another lady and I go up stage and teach the kids actions to songs during the morning and then at noon before they leave. It's been fun.

Joel's been working overtime at Emerson. His supervisors had a meeting last week Friday saying that if nobody was signing up for overtime, it would become mandatory since they have been behind. Joel worked Sunday afternoon (double-time). And he's been planning on staying an hour later every day Mon.-Fri this week(time and a half). But I guess they had another meeting today encouraging people to work overtime because they don't want to make it mandatory. That's how Joel has been keeping busy.

Maybe more next week!