Tuesday, August 5, 2008

38 weeks 6 days doc visit

So, we could have the baby on Thursday if I wanted to. Dr. Griffiths said he'd be fine with breaking my water on Thursday if I was uncomfortable. As tempting as that is, Joel and I talked and I'd rather just go into labor on my own at this point. I still have a week till my due date, so I don't think it's that bad if I haven't had the baby yet. He did say that he thinks I'll go into labor in the next few days, so I figure, why not just wait then anyways? It's kind of inevitable anyways - Haha. Nobody ever stayed pregnant forever. I am 1.5 cm dilated and 80-90% effaced. So I did make some progress from last week.

I have a funeral that I'm suppose to play for on Friday (I have a back-up player just in case). And we have an Ethnic Block Party at BLC this Sunday that I am on the Mercy Ministries team for. I'm suppose to pick up a keg of 1919 Root Beer and take that. I'm also scheduled to play and song lead at Living Hope on Sunday. I have back-ups for that as well. God knows when the baby is suppose to come, and we'll just let Him decide. :)

Have a good one!