Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Tomorrow is the due date!

Holy cow - Tomorrow is the due date. Well, last week I didn't schedule another appointment to see Dr. Griffiths. Joel and I forgot as we were walking out, probably because we were so amazed that he said he'd be willing to break my water last Thursday... I've been having some pretty major contractions since Sunday night. Nothing closer than 5 minutes apart, and then they'll taper off during the day. So, needless to say, I've been up during the nights till about 3 in the morning (something I get to look forward to? :) ). And then I'll finally fall asleep. There are also other definite signs of labor. Come on Baby Z! I think "Turtle" would be a good middle name at this point.

By the way, our lap top has been out of commission for the past week. Joel is suppose to talk to some person from Microsoft today at 4 and get it fixed. He's been on the phone for about a total of 10 hours (not kidding) with Microsoft and also HP trying to get it resolved. It didn't help that one of the persons he talked to last week told him to order the wrong Cd-Rom.... Supposedly they are shipping a new one free of charge overnight. Hopefully it can get fixed before we have to head to the hospital. It'd be nice to be able to upload pictures right away. Otherwise, you'll just have to wait.

Anybody see Michael Phelps and his teammates win the gold in the 4x4 swim? That was awesome to watch. Such excitement! Go USA!